Friday 3 November 2017


Penyebrangan Jawa-Bali

Being a Muslim woman and veiled, is not an obstacle to traveling to Bali. In fact, if you have to do it alone. Because with to do traveling alone, you can increase independence,furthermore, travelling alone also is a big challenge.

Well, for you who veiled and want to travel with backpacker alone, there are some tips that may be useful.

First, Gather as much information as you can about alternative transportation options that we will use.

To go to Bali, we can use the land route, sea, or air. Various transportation options certainly have advantages and disadvantages of each. But, one thing to remember, how much money we spend, in proportion to the level of comfort we get. As one example of transportation trip to Bali using air passage for traveler from Central Java and Jogja, we can choose using plane from Solo. Why from Solo? Because the price of the plane to Bali from Semarang, jogja,  Solo was the cheapest. The difference can be up to about Rp 300.000,00.

Second, look for security-related information at each stop.

One of the things we should really look into when traveling is security-related stops, such as stations, airports, and terminals. Although Indonesia in general, and Bali in particular, is a safe area, but it would not hurt us to remain cautious.
For the case of travel to Bali, you can try to find information related to brokers in terminal Denpasar, Bali. However, after knowing various information related to brokers in Denpasar terminal, we need to find information related ways to deal with it. Do not get just for that reason, we so canceled enjoy the beauty of nature and culture of Bali.

Third, determine where to stay and how we visit the tourist attractions in Bali.

Bali is vast. The distance between one tourist attractions with other attractions is relatively far away. Therefore, the determination of where to stay and how to visit the sights becomes an important thing.
For a place to stay, choose a place to stay in the middle, in the area of ​​Legian street, close to Kuta beach. Moreover, in the region there, there is a cheap place to stay, the guesthouse Arthawan and bunker. Both places of the lodging, can be one alternative if you want a cost-efficient backpacker to Bali.

Fourth, look for food information that is khalal

In Bali, many stalls labeled "Muslim" that we can make recommendations for food choices. The seller is usually a Javanese Muslim population who wandered to Bali. So, there is no more concern in terms of food. Is not it?

Fifth, pray and do not forget to keep praying

Guys, being a traveler is not an obstacle to worship. So stay prayer. After all, the trip's prayers can be carried out by plural (collecting two prayer times into one time). Hopefully the trip to Bali brings benefits in our lives. Last word, happy travelling. Happy exploring to places that make our lives more excited !!! Yeay!

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